Events and training for social care providers
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Borough-wide Practice Development Forums run on different themes (e.g. End of Life Care, Dementia, mental capacity and best interest, infection prevention and control etc)
These are determined by feedback from providers, trends, and emerging practice.
Contact the Care Quality Team at
Registered Managers Network Group
This is a peer-led group chaired by registered managers for registered managers and is further supported by Skills for Care.
This is for:
- peer support
- sharing best practice
- information
Contact the Care Quality Team at
The Barnet Voluntary Community Sector Forum
This is for:
- finding information
- local market intelligence
- creative thinking
- networking
Contact the Prevention & Wellbeing Team at
Workforce development training
The Workforce Development team offer training courses to improve practice and deliver outstanding care to residents. Some of these courses are chargeable. Some are open to internal and external staff.
Training areas include:
- safeguarding
- adult social care: policy and procedures
- provider led enquiries
- dysphagia training
- emergency first aid
Contact the Workforce Development Team at