Budget consultation - have your say
Barnet Council is seeking views on its budget plans for 2021-2022.
The proposal includes plans to save money and generate income to help close the council's £14million budget gap in the next financial year, while still delivering the best outcomes for Barnet’s 400,000 residents.
The council has saved over £193million between 2010 and 2020 and protected frontline services as far as possible. While the council remains ambitious for the people who live and work in Barnet, the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic this year, reduced funding and increases in the demand and cost of services, mean that the next few years will still present further challenges.
Have your say
The budget consultation gives Barnet residents, people who live outside the borough and use the council’s services, businesses, and local community groups the opportunity to have their say.
The budget consultation’s proposals include plans for increasing general Council Tax by 1.99% and applying the ‘Adult Social Care Precept’ Council Tax increase of 3% to help fund the growing demand for adult social care. The council would also like views on its overall budget, savings and income generation proposals for the 2021-22 financial year.
The consultation is now live. To take part, read the consultation document and then fill in the questionnaire.
The consultation closes on 18 January 2021.