Flooding in Mill Hill
The Council is currently responding to incidents of flooding across the borough following the recent heavy and persistent rainfall from Wednesday 2 November overnight and into the morning of Thursday 3 November 2022. Indications are that London experienced the equivalent of half a months’ worth of rainfall during this period.
The Council has mobilised its highways and street scene services to clear fallen debris, empty flooded gullies and aid the removal of water from carriageways
In particular the Council is responding to two locations that have been the subject of significant flooding:
- Mill Hill Mainline Station Underpass – Mill Hill Broadway through to Hale Lane and Bunns Lane, this location is subject to standing water on the carriageway under the mainline. The Council has mobilised its emergency response drainage teams to clear the area, support stranded motorists and reopen the carriageway as soon as possible. The location is currently under police traffic control.
- A41 at Brent Cross – The Council are supporting colleagues in TFL regarding the flooding in this location and will be providing all assistance necessary to enable TfL to effectively manage the situation.
In addition, and more generally the Council are responding to the notification of blocked gullies from residents and conducting an inspection of all of our water-based assets to ensure that they remain clear during this period of heavy and persistent rainfall.
If residents are aware of any locations subject to flooding please use the councils online reporting function to ensure that the enquiry is effectively tracked and managed: https://account.barnet.gov.uk/publicaccesslive/selfservice/citizenportal/login.htm
Further updates will follow.