The winter holidays can be a particularly difficult time for some young people. There are a lot of societal expectations tied to the festive period and we want young people to know that it’s completely normal to experience feelings of stress, anxiety and/or loneliness.

winter mental health 2021
For this reason, we’ve partnered up with, a digital counselling service, open to any young person aged 11 to 25 who would like to receive confidential support and advice. Talking to someone anonymous can often help to relieve any negative feelings you may be experiencing.
We’ve also partnered with Papyrus HOPELINEUK, for children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide. The service offers free, confidential support and practical advice.
Open every day including Christmas day
Open every day 9am – midnight
Call: 0800 068 4141
Text: 07860 039 967
Our posters are displayed on poster sites across the borough over the next two weeks.
More free mental health support services for young people are listed at
We encourage young people to take advantage of the free support available.