Former East Barnet councillor Laurie Williams
A memorial bench has been installed to honour the life and work of much-loved former Barnet Labour councillor Laurie Williams.
Laurie represented East Barnet between 2014 and 2022.
The plaque on the bench reads: ‘In memory of Councillor Laurie Williams (1937-2022) who loved and served his local East Barnet community.’
Laurie served on four council committees, including Environment and Adoption and Fostering, was a school governor of two schools, and chair of 1374 East Barnet Air Training Corps. He died in 2022 after an illness.
The bench is in the heart of East Barnet village not far from his home on Cat Hill and is located outside Brand Russell Pharmacy, 280 East Barnet Road, EN4 8TD, opposite the Methodist church.
A ceremony to mark the bench will be held at the site on Friday 13 December at 11.30am. Following that refreshments will be provided at East Barnet British Legion, 38 Brookhill Road, EN4 8SL.
Fellow East Barnet councillor, Cllr Phil Cohen, said:
“Laurie Williams was a remarkable man who had respect across all political parties. I am privileged to have campaigned and served with him. I hope his wife Sally and her family will see this bench as a fitting tribute. He knew virtually every paving stone in East Barnet and I am certain he was very proud to be the local councillor there.”
Barnet Council’s Leader, Cllr Barry Rawlings, added:
“Laurie served Barnet inside and outside the council and it was a privilege to be a councillor alongside him. He is very much missed, and this memorial bench in the heart of East Barnet village is a lovely way to remember him.”