
Market position statement key messages for 2024 – Service Needs

These have been developed through an ongoing dialogue with colleagues, providers, partners and residents to understand how well our current commissioned offer supports people to achieve their outcomes.

This is an iterative process which includes ongoing analysis of local and national data, for example through Barnet’s JSNA and NHS Digital, sector specific reviews and local and subregional work to identify gaps and opportunities to strengthen local provision in line with our Strategic Priorities.

We want to see:

Increased and more innovative use of care technology and equipment to keep people well and independent at home for longer so that they thrive in the community

  • More homecare/ enablement services with staff trained and skilled in British Sign Language
  • More residential and accommodation-based respite services which offer meaningful activities and genuinely enabling and person-centred breaks
  • Services whose aim is to ensure that support delivers progression towards each person’s individually agreed aspirations to maximise their long-term independence, choice, and control. This includes supporting people into education, training or employment where appropriate.
  • Services that take a whole family/situation approach and work to identify, engage, support, and enable carers to maintain and improve their health and wellbeing and continue in their caring role (please
  • For our market to embed social value across all service delivery through innovation and in accordance with our local needs to secure wider social, economic, and environmental benefits
  • We also recognise that we are working with more people who have complex needs which can require specific training and expertise to support them with.

This is why we also want to see:

  • More homecareresidential and accommodation-based services that are better able to support residents with behaviours that challenge (including people with learning disabilities, dementia, mental health conditions, substance misuse issues and autistic people)
  • New services to support people who have complex needs, including complexities in relation to their physical health, learning disability, mental health, substance misuse issues or autism
  • More urgent or crisis care services, including accommodation-based services, and short term 24-hour ‘live-in’ support services, for people with complex needs and behaviours that challenge
  • That all services are dementia-friendly and able to accommodate residents with dementia, including residential, nursing and homecare. This includes a particular gap in Barnet for specialist accommodation for people who have complex behavioural challenges that are a result of their advanced dementia
  • Barnet is well served for certain types of support and services, that’s why we are not currently encouraging growth in some areas:
  • We have a large homecare market, with an existing framework and, for now, we do not have a need for more non specialist homecare