Support from friends or family
You may be able to your ask friends or family for support. They could take over caring while you enjoy a few hours away or a short break.

Arranging care yourself
You can make private arrangements such as:
- employing a paid care worker to care for the person you are looking after in their own home
- paying for short-term residential care
- arranging a holiday for the person you look after.
Further information on all these options is available on the Carers UK website.

Help from the council
You or the person you care for may qualify for support from the council which can be used on a break.
If the person you are caring for has a personal budget, they may be able to use it for respite services, such as residential care, day services sitting services, or through the Shared Lives Scheme. This would allow you to take a break.
Please discuss this option with your social care professional.
Support directly for carers
All carers are entitled to a carers assessment. Through our discussions with you, we will help give you a break from your caring role and help you maintain and improve your own health and wellbeing. This may include using a personal budget.