If you are struggling to remain in your own home, and have tried the options of equipment, adaptation or repair, or perhaps arranging support for your carer, then there's a range of housing options to help you remain independent.
This can include innovative schemes like Shared Lives and Homeshare. Other options may be available such as supported housing, extra care housing or care homes.
Have a conversation with us if you're considering one of these options.
Shared Lives
Get care, support and be part of a family and a community by living with a Shared Lives carer in their own home.
A flexible solution where you can get help and support in return for providing free or low cost accommodation.
Other options that may be available
- Support at home
Live independently and become a responsible tenant or home owner through visits and help from a support worker
- Neighbourhood networks
Live independently, develop social skills and networks in your neighbourhood if you have a learning disabilities and are 18 or over.
- Supported living (low/medium/high needs)
Remain independent, minimise admission or return to residential/nursing homes or hospital.
- Supported living for young adults
Get a smooth transition into independent adult life if you're a young person with learning disabilities and/or autism.
- Specialist step down mental health support
Accommodation-based support to enable people to be safely discharged from hospital and recovery house settings back to the community, avoiding re-admission.
- 'Crash pad'
The aim of this service is avoiding a breakdown and puts in place emergency accommodation (Crash Pad) if needed, or extra care and support within a person's own home
- Sheltered Plus
Ensure an independent life if you're frailer and older through suitable sheltered housing.
- Extra Care housing
Retain your independence through your own flat, to come and go as you please, while having 24-hour onsite support.
- Care homes
There may come a time when you can no longer manage to look after yourself at home, after you have considered all other housing and support options.