Barnet's Disabled Children's Register
What is the Disabled Children's Register?
The register is a database that holds information about children and young people with disabilities who live in the Borough of Barnet. The database holds the names, addresses and other basic details of disabled children and young people and can only be accessed by authorised staff.
Why do we have a register and what is it used for?
The Children’s Act 1989 requires us to keep a register. The register helps us to plan and develop services for children and young people with disabilities in areas they are most needed. In addition to planning, the register also helps us to involve and consult with parents / carers on plans for new services as well as to keep in touch and share news and information with families.
The objective of a fully up-to-date and comprehensive Children’s Disability Register is to facilitate service planning and to help shape relevant services, where there is most need locally. It should also be a way of ensuring that children and families are involved in the planning of the services they use. The register aims to reflect the range of disabilities and special needs of the resident population 0-18 in Barnet and. to assist and support families of children with a range of disabilities to access and help to shape the services which affect them most. The Children’s Disability Register is not just a data collection service; it also has a key role in providing families with relevant, up-to-date information about services across the borough.
Why should I sign up to it?
The register is used by Barnet to keep families updated with any new developments. Once you have added your child to the register, you will receive the SEND newsletter quarterly as well as updates from the Disability Services. This includes information on local and national services, charities, training and events that are relevant to children and young people with disabilities and their families. In addition to this, you may, from time to time be sent other information from Barnet Council that is relevant to you.
Families who sign-up their child to the Disabled Children's Register will be issued with a photo ID card that states they are on our register and have a disability or complex need.
Who can access information from the register?
The register is held within the Informed Families team. The information will be used primarily by the Informed Families team to keep you up to date with information about appropriate services for your family. However, as a secondary use, we may share anonymised information with other council teams and partner agencies, to help us jointly plan services. Registering your child with the Disability Register will not affect any services or benefits that you currently receive; it will also not guarantee your child additional services or benefits.
We will contact you annually to check the information regarding your child is up to date. Please contact us if your details change so we can update the information.
Who can be registered and what checks are made?
Parents / carers of any child or young person 0-18 years of age in Barnet with a disability or special needs can request for their name and information to be added to the Disability Register. A child does not have to have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) to be added to the register, however checks will be undertaken by the team with the Special Educational Needs (SEN) department or within the Disabilty Services
Parents / carers may be asked to provide further information for example, a paediatric review letter to verify the disability or special need to ensure we have up to date and accurate information. Where this is required, we will contact you to ask for this additional information.
Do you have to register your child?
No, the register is voluntary. Your child does not have to be on the register to receive services and support from health or social care. You can request to have your child’s details removed at any time by emailing the Disability Service at
What happens when my child reaches 18 years old?
Your child’s name and details will be removed from the register. Details of the process for registering disabled adults can be obtained from
How do I sign up?
To register, please complete this form Disabled Children's Registration Form.
So we are able to issue your ID card, please include two passport sized photos with the registration form and send to
You can view the process map for applying for the Disabled Children's Register: