Voluntary, community and faith groups
Join a networking forum
There’s a range of specialist forums in Barnet, for the voluntary, community and faith sector to network, and share information.
Attending these forums and signing up to their mailing lists are a great way to stay in touch and find out about training and funding opportunities.
Adults and Communities Volunteer Community Sector Forum
Networking, information sharing and training with service providers to adults from the council, VCS and CCG in Barnet. The forum meets on a quarterly basis.
Email: preventionandwellbeing@barnet.gov.uk
Arts and Culture Network
The Arts and Culture Network is set up by Barnet Together and run by artsdepot. If you are interested in, work in, volunteer in or make arts and culture in Barnet, this is the space for you. The network meets every 6 - 8 weeks.
Click for more info and to sign up
Barnet and Culture for Youth
artsdepot invites you to become a member of Barnet & Culture for Youth to receive information about opportunities from other members, access funding and can join our working groups.
Click for more info and to sign up
Colindale Volunteers Network
An opportunity for volunteer involving organisations to share information and develop partnerships on a quarterly basis.
Email: rhiannon.watkinson@rafmuseum.org
Multi Faith Forum
Barnet’s strategic forum for faith groups
Email: info@barnetmultifaithforum.org
Networks, training and support
Connect with sector colleagues at Barnet Together network meetings
Email: monique@inclusionbarnet.org.uk
Volunteer Managers Forums
Volunteer involving organisations can share experience with their peers at Volunteering Barnet’s quarterly forum
Email: anna.denham@groundwork.org.uk
Young Barnet Foundation network
More networking and information sharing for Barnet’s youth focused charities
Email: neilt@youngbarnetfoundation.org.uk
Community space
Are you looking for a venue or a room for your next meeting or workshop? Facilities to hire coming soon.
Rent subsidies and leases for voluntary and community organisations
Under our Community Asset Strategy, we developed a new approach to agreeing rent subsidies and leases with voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations.
VCS organisations that wish to lease a Council building (or renew their existing lease) and to apply for a rent subsidy will need to complete a number of steps, and will be able to access support from a coach to help them do so.
For more information, contact Community Asset Lead sal.waheed@barnet.gov.uk
Looking for volunteers for your organisation? Find out what Volunteering Barnet has to offer.
Training and organisational support
Inclusion Barnet provides organisational support, training and tool kits. All for Barnet charities, voluntary organisations, community groups, and social enterprises. Including individuals looking to start up or grow their organisation with a social purpose.
The London Borough of Barnet’s Prevention and Wellbeing Team also provide online training for organisations supporting adults: Email A&Ctraining@barnet.gov.uk
Funding opportunities
Crowdfunding: We want to hear your ideas for improving Barnet! Whether enhancing high streets, neighbourhoods, or parks, or simply by bringing people together. Create your crowdfunding project and let’s make a difference together.
Corporate grants: Corporate Grants Programme offers grants to help either set up a new project or activity in Barnet. Only in response to identified needs; or with specific events, purchases or other non-recurring items of expenditure. These grants are only available to the voluntary and community sector.
Barnet Giving: Charities, organisations and projects operating in and benefiting Barnet residents and communities can apply for grants through this local giving scheme led by Inclusion Barnet.
Space2Grow: Young Barnet Foundation’s ‘Space 2 Grow’ Children & Young People’s Fund is available to support local community organisations so they can deliver activities and services to children and young people in the London Borough of Barnet.
Procurement, tenders and contracts
Register with the Barnet Council Procurement Portal for all current procurement details.
Community rights and the Localism Act
Community Right to Bid: allows eligible bodies to nominate a building or piece of land which they believe provides a service in the community to be listed as an ‘asset of community value’.
Community Right to Challenge: gives voluntary and community groups, parish councils and local authority employees the right to submit an 'Expression of Interest' in taking over and running a local authority service.
Research tools
Be a sharp operator and use these tools for research into grants, funding and like-minded organisations that you can band together with.
- Barnet Residents newsletter is a regular email newsletter. Despite its name, it isn't just for residents. Anyone can subscribe and it's a good way of finding out what's happening in Barnet. You can also submit ideas about articles you would like to see. Email barnet.first@barnet.gov.uk to subscribe.
- Get a digital download of Barnet First magazine which offers clear information on council services and an update on what's going on in your community. Email barnet.first@barnet.gov.uk to submit article ideas.
- Facts and figures on Barnet and its Barnet and its residents such as are available on our Open Barnet platform.
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Barnet is home to 1075 registered charities and many more community, voluntary and faith groups.
They all play a valued and important role in supporting and representing our diverse communities.
This page provides information for voluntary, community and faith groups on how to get linked in and access support, networking and partnership opportunities in Barnet.