
Entrepreneurial Barnet

Barnet is a good place to work and invest

It has the largest population of any London borough and more businesses than any outer-London borough. Many businesses are succeeding here already.

Find out more about our long term approach to supporting businesses and the wider Barnet economy by looking at Entrepreneurial Barnet 2015 –2020

We can encourage businesses through targeted activities such as

  • improving Barnet’s physical and digital infrastructure
  • supporting town centres
  • delivering business mentoring schemes
  • equipping the workforce with the skills and behaviours it needs to succeed in a competitive and changing world

We can also do more to step out of the way of entrepreneurs and businesses who often have excellent ideas but can sometimes feel held back by unnecessary red tape and bureaucracy.

The best place in London to be a small business

Our approach is split into five themes that address these issues and which we will be focusing on to realise the vision of making Barnet the best place in London to be a small business:

  1. Getting the basics right around things like licensing, planning and environmental health
  2. Making Barnet a great place to live, work and invest
  3. Creating skilled employees and entrepreneurs
  4. Access to markets through the public sector supply chain and procurement opportunities
  5. Facilitating businesses to grow with targeted business advice and support

Our focus will be on building and sustaining the confidence of the business community in Barnet; confidence to start a business, confidence to invest in and take on more employees, and confidence in the local public sector to work together to create the long-term circumstances that allow people with ideas, energy and ambition to succeed.

This site will be updated over time to include guidance on things like how to get faster business broadband connections, links to local business networks and events, information about recruitment and apprenticeships, and to signpost you to business services such as licensing and planning.