Make a freedom of information request
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Barnet Council abides by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). This means that anyone can request to view information recorded by the council. However, some information is exempt from disclosure under the FOIA.
Make a freedom of information request
Information you can request
Anyone can request information that is already recorded by the council. All of our past Freedom of Information Responses can be read online.
You cannot request information that hasn’t been recorded. For example, asking someone for their opinion on a decision that hasn’t been made yet.
The Freedom of Information Act does not apply to some information from being published, for example the personal data of others.
You cannot request information about yourself through a Freedom of Information Request. If you would like to request information about yourself, please send us a Subject Access Request
Always check if the information you are requesting has been published already
Requests for information relating to the environment may not fall under FOI. Instead, they may be subject to Environmental Information Regulations (EIR)
How to write a Freedom of Information Request
Requests must include:
- your full name
- a contact address, this can be an email address or postal address
- a detailed description of what information you would like. We can only provide information that is already recorded by the council.
Be as clear as possible:
- be exact with which information you would like.
- ask for specific information and avoid open ended questions. ‘What’ or ‘how much’ questions will lead to much clearer responses than ‘why’ questions.
- provide a timeframe if appropriate. For example: ‘How many fines were issued for overdue library books at Barnet Libraries in 2022?’
We do not accept requests that are
- based on an assumption or opinion
- complaints or comments. If you would like to complain, please visit our complaints webpage
- unclear. We will contact you to ask for further clarification, delaying our response time
- too expensive or time consuming
What to expect after submitting your request
We will:
- acknowledge receipt of your request
- respond to your request within 20 working days from the date of receipt
- provide you with advice and assistance in relation to your request
- keep you informed of the progress of your request
- tell you if a fee is applicable to your request.
We must supply the information you requested promptly but no later than 20 working days, unless
- we require further clarification to locate the information you have requested
- we apply an exemption to withhold information
- a time extension is necessary
- you have not paid the requested fee
If you’re not happy with how your request was handled
If you'd like to ask for a review of how your request was handled, please contact us explaining clearly and concisely why you are unhappy. We will review your concerns and write to you with the findings.
Records and Information Management Team
Barnet Council
2 Bristol Avenue
London NW9 4EW
If you have already had a review and are still dissatisfied, you can complain to the Information Commissioners Office:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane Wilmslow
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Freedom of information request in Easy Read Guide