
North Central London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (NCL STP)

The NHS in the north central London area submitted a draft to NHS England. This was North Central London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (NCL STP.) Representing Camden, Haringey, Islington, Barnet and Enfield.

NCL STP explained

The NCL STP is by a host of NHS organisations with the support of officials from the area’s local authorities. This is to propose changes to the way services are delivered. Making them more effective and efficient.

It covers the following key areas:

•    plans to increase prevention
•    provision of care closer to home
•    children’s health
•    removal of duplicate services
•    cancer care
•    urgent and emergency care
•    mental health

Have your say

The draft NCL STP is a work in progress, pending a more substantial update in early April 2017. This will include the details of the delivery plans and an updated financial analysis. 

We welcome comments on the draft STP as we further develop the ideas within the draft plan. Please send any comments to

Find out more about the NCL STP

  • Read the NCL STP newsletter to keep up to date.
  • For further information. please visit the King’s Fund.

Digital roadmap

The north central London area is made up of five Councils - Barnet, Camden, Haringey, Islington and Enfield, five Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and 12 acute, community, mental health and specialist providers. Until recently they have mainly operated independently with no shared digital strategy. Although individual organisations have collaborated on digital projects, working collectively across all organisations remains a relatively new endeavour. 

The 22 partner organisations and the North East London Commissioning Support Unit have also worked together to agree how we can implement digital services and have drafted a NCL Local Digital Roadmap. This is to manage the health and wellbeing of the NCL population and move from paper-based to digitally-enabled care processes within our health and care organisations.

Five digital themes underpin this vision and ambition:

  • Digitally activated population. We will provide our citizens with access to their personal health and care information and equip them with tools which enable them to actively manage their own health and wellbeing
  • Connected care. We will create and share care records and plans that can be shared across health and care systems seamlessly to enable integrated care delivery across organisations
  • Insights-driven health system. We will identify patients at risk of illness and check the effectiveness of interventions on patients with established disease. As well as deliver whole systems intelligence so the needs of our entire population can be predicted and met
  • Digitally-enabled workforce. We will enable our care professionals to work and communicate effectively, anywhere at any time
  • Sustainable care. We will improve efficiency and reduce costs by working together to deliver digital services where this benefits our population