
Supported lodging assessment process

Step one
Following your expression of interest, you have decided you might want to be a Supported Lodgings Host. At this point a member of our team will visit you and your family at home to discuss the options, process, and whether this is something you want to pursue. 

Step two
You complete the application form. You and your partner will be invited to attend our local 3-day Skills Training Course. The course is run by one of our social workers and members of our team. You will also meet young people who have experienced being in care. 

Step three
Your Supported Lodgings Host assessment will start either whilst you are completing the training in Step two or directly afterwards. 
You will meet with your assessing social worker over an average period of three months and they will get to know you and your family a lot better. We will support you throughout this process.

Step four
Once you have completed your assessment, you and your social worker will write a report that goes to the Director of Children Social Care for approval. Once the approval is confirmed you will be a Barnet Supported Lodgings Host. 

Interested in Supported Lodgings