
Waterfall of ‘We aRe Plastic’

Saturday, 8th Jun 2024 11:00am - 3:00pm
North Finchley Town Centre
Nether St in front of Artsdepot (TBC)
N12 0GA
This event is free to attend but may require a ticket to book a slot. Register as an attendee to find out more
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Join our creative workshop! Let’s turn single-use plastic into Art!

Calling all art enthusiasts, environmental advocates and creative minds!

Would you like to be a part of our ‘We aRe Plastic’ workshop?

We'll turn bottles into public artwork! Hands-on experience offering the opportunity to explore the intersection of art, sustainability and community. Artist Elisa Cantarelli will lead you through the steps, learning new techniques to #Reimagine and repurpose plastic bottles into a captivating installation. Keep your plastic bottles out of your blue bin for this week! Bring them to the workshop! Let’s inspire our community by tackling the issue of plastic waste through creativity together!

No prior art experience necessary. Come and go at any point, no need to stay for the whole duration. Everyone is welcome (kids under 10 must come with an adult). The workshop is part of the 20th London Festival of Architecture (#LFA).

Elisa Cantarelli (1.05 MB)
Elisa Cantarelli (1.05 MB)