
Young parents

Becoming a parent is never easy, and being a young parent can be especially hard.

You could be working, or have gone back to school or college, or you could be a full-time parent. You may be living at home with your parents, planning to set up home with your partner or coping on your own.

Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home-visiting

MESCH (Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home-visiting) Barnet Health Visitors are offering this intensive programme to targeted families from the antenatal period.

The programme is based on an ecological model of need and supports the parents to build resilience and self management. The structured programme of visits that last for the first 2 years of their child’s life aim to enable them to parent more effectively.

Children's centres

There are 11 children's centres in Barnet that provide support for parents and activities for mums, dads and their children.

Visit our children's centre page to find out more about what a children's centre can do for you.

Parent and toddler groups

There are a number of parent and toddler groups in Barnet that will give you and your child an opportunity to spend time together in the company of others. Visit our parent and toddler group directory to find your closest group.


Whether you're thinking about continuing or going back to studying, starting to train for a new job, going back to work or just need a break from being a full-time parent, you will need to think about who will care for your child. Visit our childcare page to find out more about childcare options available in Barnet.

Financial support for young parents

There is financial support available to help with the costs of childcare. Visit our financial support for parents page to find out what you are entitled to.